
Obstetrics: Caring for You from Conception to Delivery and Beyond
Each pregnancy is unique and a very special time. Atrium OB/GYN will be with you every step of the way.
We have been priveleged to provide obstetric and gynecologic care o women in Stark County for over 80 yers. our practice is dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered, state-of-the-art women’s health care. We offer a complete range of women’s services focusing on each woman’s uniqueness as she transitions from adolescence to menopause.
Gynecologic Care
- Preventative / Well Annual Exams
- Family Planning
- Contraception Counseing / Options
- Hormonal Management / Treatment
- Gynecological Infections
- Menstrual Disorders / Abnormal Bleeding
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection
- Pelvic Pain
- Breast Health
- Hysterectomy and Tubal Ligation
- Minimally Invasive Laser Surgeries
- Menopausal Management / Treatment
- Osteoporosis Education
- Overactive Bladder Treatment
Obstetrical Care
- Individualized Prenatal Care For Low and High Risk Pregnancy
- Onsite Non-Stress Testing
Radiology and Lab Services
- Prenatal Counseling
- OB Educational Resources
Helpful Links and Resources
Links To Help You During Your Pregnancy

Other In-Office Treatments and Therapy
- Mammography - Screening and Diagnostic MQSA Certified
- Breast Tomosynthesis 3D imaging - Enhanced Mammograms
- Gynecologic, Breast and Obstetric Ultrasound Imaging
- Laboratory Services
Educational Resources
Pregnancy FAQs
When do I get to hear the heartbeat of my baby for the first time?
Your baby’s heartbeat can be heard around your 12 week prenatal visit.
When can I expect to feel the baby move?
You can expect to begin to feel the baby move at about 20 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. You may not feel daily regular movements until 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Is bleeding or spotting after sex or after a vaginal exam normal during my pregnancy?
It is common to have spotting or bleeding in these situations. The spotting should resolve in about 24 hours. Call the office if you experience heavy bleeding (like a period) or prolonged bleeding (longer than 48 hours).
My feet are swollen, is this normal?
Mild swelling of the ankles and legs is related to the normal and necessary increase in body fluids during pregnancy. To ease the discomfort, elevate your legs or lie down when you can, wear comfortable shoes, and avoid elastic-top socks or stockings.
Can I sleep on my back?
You may sleep on your back until the third trimester as long as you are comfortable. At that time, if your uterus compresses your major blood vessels, you may become nauseated or dizzy. Placing a pillow under one hip should prevent these symptoms.
Will it hurt the baby if I don’t take my prenatal vitamins?
Taking prenatal vitamins with folk acid or folic acid alone during the first trimester may decrease the incidence of neural tube defects like spina bifida.
Is it okay to have sexual intercourse during pregnacy?
Yes. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, we recommend exercise as it makes labor easier and decreases the incidence of pre-term labor as well as cesarean section. If an exercise causes cramping, shortness of breath, or pain, then decrease the intensity or stop exercising and discuss with your healthcare provider
Is it safe to exercise?
Yes. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, we recommend exercise as it makes labor easier and decreases the incidence of pre-term labor as well as cesarean section. If an exercise causes cramping, shortness of breath, or pain, then decrease the intensity or stop exercising and discuss with your doctor
When do I find out the sex of my baby?
Usually around 20 weeks during your anatomical ultrasound.

Atrium Patient Portal
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We Offer The Highest Quality of Care Possible
From the first stages of adolescence to the mother expecting her first child and beyond, we are there with the highest-quality care available. As a woman blossoms into adolescence, we help her address concerns about irregular and painful menstrual periods, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and family planning.
We provide counseling prior to conception to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. Atrium also provides ultrasound services and counseling throughout pregnancy and after delivery, to help make childbirth and motherhood a pleasant experience.
As a woman moves through menopause, we remain committed to her emotional well-being, as well as her physical health. Our healthcare providers take the time to answer questions and assist the maturing woman in continuing her healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.